1. Ego Is The Enemy: I first got into Ryan Holiday’s writing about 5 years ago when I was working at Distil Networks. His work is very straightforward, and all of his books are short and easy-to-understand. Most can be read in short 5-minute snippets, so it’s the kind of book you can leave on your desk. One of the things that I’ve found is huge in becoming a successful founder, or successful at sales or fundraising, is learning your own biases and cognitive distortions. My first introduction to stoic thought came when I had a drink with Tim Ferris at a party when I was 30, back in 2007, right when the 4-Hour Work Week came out. We hung out and talked for about an hour, and I think this was probably when he first got into stoicism, as I recall there wasn’t a lot of it in the first pass of that book. Tim was who first introduced me to Aristotle’s work, at a deeper level.
    1. Even if you don’t think of yourself as “an egotistical person,” this book is a critical read for any person who is leading a group of people, even if it’s a small group. The line between a healthy belief in one’s own abilities and an unhealthy belief is a very thin line.
    2. If you have kids, Ryan’s book on Marcus Aurelius, The Boy Who Would Be King, is one of my favorite children’s books. This book can have a big effect on a kid, perhaps age 4-8 or so.
    3. Key learnings from the book will be added the week of 4/18/22.
  2. The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday: This will be updated the week of 4/18/22.
  3. Principles, by Ray Dalio: This will be updated the week of 4/18/22.