Here are notes on the first Sandler book that we, the AJ Founders community, read as a group: You Can’t Teach A Kid To Ride A Bike At A Seminar:

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  1. Sales Training Audio Materials

  2. My 1980s to 2010s Sandler Sales Training - This is the largest sales training and coaching program in the world, as far as I know. It’s based on transactional/social psychology, from the late 1960s. It may not be the very best sales methodology in the world, but it’s the first one that I recommend most people learn. If you learn this one, you can probably then be trained in MEDDIC or Miller/Heiman, two of the most sophisticated and profitable methodologies.

    1. Close The Deal (7+ hours) - start with this one!!!
    2. President’s Club (12+ hours)
    3. Steve Craner (1 hours) - good for SaaS sales
  3. Paul Castain Sales Training - This is a link to a full sales training program that I took about 11 years ago. The material is more aimed at account executives or sole proprietor business owners. It’s also good for founders or investors that have zero sales training and needs to cold call for the first time. Castain’s pre-call planning documents are very good. Paul’s a New Yorker with a very straightforward style and HE IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE COACHING! You can call or email Paul Castain here. He’s a seriously funny dude, one of the funniest sales trainers I have ever met. Working with him is like going to a comedy class, and I highly recommend working with him for 1:1 work. The folder mainly contains the documents from his courses and he has lots of podcasts that are available online at no charge. Also, his website is very good and easy to understand, even if you have no background in sales.